Sales Presentation with 3D Animations

Over the past four years we have developed many 3D animations for Buss SMS. These animations depict various highly engineered thin film evaporators and large volume processors. We recently developed a sales tool that allows their sales force to show off general aspects of the company and then go to a navigation matrix to show 3D animations of all of the equipment that we have modeled for them. View the new sales tool here.

How it works

Their sales force can run this locally with no internet access from a thumb drive, installed on their computers or they can run it from a link on the internet. The presentation immediately launches into a motion graphics overview. At any time the sales person moves their mouse and a “skip” button appears on the upper right corner. By selecting this, they are presented with a screen to allow them to choose between “Thin Film” or “Large Volume” processors. Each of those choices goes to a matrix of processors. Allowing them to launch any of the animations.

Click Here for more examples of our creative work.

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