Crest Chemicals Improved Brand and Performance

Crest Chemicals has a totally new look thanks to PetroPages. The challenge was to redefine the brand and improve their web performance. We updated their logo, redesigned their website, developed trade show handouts and ad designs. Visit Crest Chemicals.


Their website redesign was not only to project the right brand on desktop and mobile devices, it was also to improve their web performance. We began by identifying high value keyword strings. The content and the site were developed such that the site would come up on organic search results that included those keyword strings. The site also had to have compelling content that would hold and convert visitors.


We identified twenty-four high value keyword strings. Eighteen of those already have multiple pages ranking on the first two search page results. Just as impressive is the fact that the brand and the content on the site are being well-received. All of the web performance indicators are significantly improved.

• Pageviews has increased over 60%
• The average user session duration is up over 47%
• The bounce rate has gone down to 43%

These are the primary indicators of traffic to the site (Pageviews), engaging content (Average User Session Duration) and relevant content (Bounce Rate).


When you have the right development team and client support, these are the results. Click Here for more examples of our creative work.

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