A word
from our founder & president

I was frequently tasked with finding equipment suppliers. In 1993, as desktop computers became more prevalent, it struck me that using paper versions of the Thomas Register could no longer be the right solution to finding suppliers.
I developed a hierarchical equipment and services categorization system specifically tailored to the energy and process industries, and then partnered with a software development company to create a DOS-based buyers’ guide that lead to the first online directory for the energy and process industries.
Our clients were industrial suppliers that needed help with digital marketing. In addition to participating in our directory, our clients continually asked us to help them with their web presence. My understanding of their products, services, and markets made their marketing experience with us uniquely better than anything they had struggled through before. They frequently expressed frustrations with marketing firms because they couldn’t understand their products, services, or markets. We were uniquely qualified to bridge that gap.
As digital marketing continued to take over, I developed a team with expertise in all aspects of digital marketing. Through years of identifying and implementing the latest technologies to best serve our clients, PetroPages grew from an online directory into a full-service industrial marketing agency.